Drag and drop can be classified in to many types, like, 1) One to One 2) Many to One & 3) One to Many / Many-to-Many.
We will be covering all these one by one. In the present submission, I am uploading very basic ‘One to one’ drag and drop.
Moment we think of Drag & Drop, quiz for a nursery (kindergarten) comes in mind. As so small child can neither read nor can write. So all games and training modules for such little children consist of visual effects where child need to Drag and drop (Peak and move/place) the objects at the right place.
In this Demo, therefore, Scenario of Kindergarten Class is taken, where with the help of Drag-n-Drop technique, Kids will learn Counting (2,3,4…)
This Demo consists of mainly 3 slides.
1) First with no Drag & drop. Only to Learn(Knowledge Slide for kids)
2) 2nd Slide is for Practice. Where Kids do practice -practice & practice. They cannot proceed until they have done drag-drop perfectly. This Slide Accepts Only correct positions(so kids understand) and infinite attempts(For practice-practice & practice).
3) 3rd Slide is Test(Exam) Slide. Where only one attempt is given and there is no clue provided. If student fails to do correct in 1 attempt he/she will be diverted to 1st Slide where he/she should learn.
Note: Technical details(steps) will be separately written in the blog very shorty.

Your observastinos and practical knowledge is fantastic.you are cent % correct regarding 1.5S pause…. I also spent lot of time in problem created by that. The problem that i faced was when we have alloted more time to such slide, then even after completing drag and drop, pause was remaining for looooong time. with half an hour struggling I came to know that it was this pause time which was creating problem. That pause comes in action after 1.5 sec of slide start time and my slide was having sime 9 sec duration and so even after completing tast when i press Submit button it took 9-1.5=7.5 long sec….Thanks that you watched my demo and made comments and shared your tips…
It would have saved you time and frustrations if you had read my many articles about the Timeline, have a couple of interactive movies as well. Same for Drag&Drop. You never have to believe me of course, but this one is really essential:
Of course, exploration is the only way to confirm and strengthen skills. I always encouraged my students in iuniversity college to do so. Because Timeline and Quizzing (with Themes) are real basic skills, was referring to my blogs and movies. To my personal frustration they are often ignored in formal ‘canned’ training. As another user here commented: I like to have people ‘learn to fish’ instead of providing them with a meal.
Chandresh, I have seen that classification (One to One, ….) in many courses everywhere (LinkedIn elarning being one example in the D&D course). Personally I always start with the difference between D&D used as KC and as Quiz slide, because that has many consequence: resetting, scores, attempts etc.
Second tip: there are a lot of confusing aspects for D&D when compared with normal KC/Quiz slides. First: the pausin gpoint which is set at 1.5 secs is not visible on the timeline as is the case for quiz slides. Second: the action labeled as Failure action should be renamed ‘Last Attempt’ because it will only be done in that situation, same as for Quiz slides. Have blogged about that already multiple times, but want to spread this information by all possible channels, hope you don’t mind posting it here again. Crossing my fingers that these two confusing things will be fixed one day.
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