January 11, 2019
Training Video Created Using Captivate 2017.
January 11, 2019
Training Video Created Using Captivate 2017.
in It industry as Instructor, Developer since 25+ years. Work on Java, .Net, Network protocols, Different Networking System like Linux, Windows Server . Prog. in Adv. Excel etc.
Newbie 62 posts
Followers: 26 people
2019-01-12 10:22:01
2019-01-12 10:22:01

Definatly … I will


chandresh shah
's comment
2019-01-12 10:33:46
2019-01-12 10:33:46
chandresh shah
's comment

Great! I plan a couple of blogs about my view on learning, just based on my decades of esxperience, not on theories which come and go. But I’m so busy solving Captivate problems and offering personalised treaining to Captivate users who ‘learned’ Captivate from non-curated videos or incomplete manuals/trainings Sorry for that bitter note. Videos can be a valuable assets for training, but should never be the only assets and they should be curated. Lot of crap around.

2019-01-12 09:52:41
2019-01-12 09:52:41

Thanks for another video.  Having created tons of software training in the past (had a complete course for MS Project), I strongly recommend to switch to an interactive version:  interactive video is one possibility bot a software simulation in Training/Assessment mode is even lot more efficient.  This comment is based on the feedback of my students (university college) who even bluntly told me to throw away the simple videos created from the Demo mode in software sims.

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