No LMS, unique code generation upon completion of course
I am looking to create a unique number on the certificate of completion that a learner gets upon completing my course. It’ll have the acronym for my company, the year, and then ideally an increasing counter. My problem is that I don’t have an LMS. I’m wondering if anyone has experience with something like a google tracking pixel or other counter that I could install in the index.html file to increase for each person who starts the course and then become a passthrough variable while I take the course. For example:
When I click to start the course, the index file increases by 1 from 1000 to 1001. When I get to the last slide, the certificate of completion, I get one that says whatever info I want on there, plus my unique identifier: CompanyCode_2019_1001.
The numbers don’t have to be strictly sequential, so if 3 people start but don’t finish, it’s fine if the next code is 1005. I just want the numbers to be different.
Any advice is appreciated.
If you just want a random number then you could do this by triggering javascript to get what is known as Epoch time – it’s the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 0000 UTC.
So it will always be unique. Not sequential, but unique.
If that is acceptable, then you would first create a custom variable in Captivate via the GUI. Then, before you need to reference it (i.e., before you need to assign the certificate number), you must trigger javascript to assign the current epoch time to it. Here is the code to do that:
myCertNum =; // assumes you already have created a user variable named myCertNum
But is that really useful without storing it in a database somewhere?
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