Articles with tag : question
We have always created a standard set of quiz questions with our 'standard'
background/formatting. We've been able to copy/paste these slides from project
to project. I recently updated our backgrounds/style standards. For some reason
we can no longe...
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Hello, I have the latest version of the Adobe Captivate Classic and works ok
when I am importing PowerPoint presentations, but when I am selecting the "High
fidelity" option upon importing the ppt file, it loads, and at some point
crashes and the app...
I'm working with Adobe Captivate 2023 and have a specific requirement for a
Multiple Choice question. The question has 5 possible answers, 3 of which are
correct and should each give 1 point when selected. Additionally, I want to
award 1 point each f...
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Is there any way to do a fill in the blank question in the new Adobe Captivate
2023? We used to use this in the older versions of Captivate and it's
disappointing to no longer see it there. Thanks.
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Ever wished eLearning quizzes were more than just a string of multiple-choice
questions, a dull assignment that barely sparks your interest? Monotonous
question formats can lead to learner fatigue, diminishing the overall
effectiveness of quizzes. Ma...
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Hi, I'm learning Captivate for the first time and using the all-new Captivate
interface. I need clarification on uploading different Assets like Lottie
Animations, on-brand icons, images, and more. Adobe's out-of-the-box options
need to be expanded, ...
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The situation- The SME's wanted the drag and drop sequencing for their training.
Sadly, they also think it's ugly and confusing with just the words on a blank
screen. I agree, too. It isn't very intuitive for users to move each word. I
wish there was...
Using 12.3.012 - I have a series of knowledge check questions with some lengthy
feedback audio. I've been testing in preview mode and in our LMS. Sometimes the
audio abruptly stops without playing the whole way through. Is this linked to
the slide le...
Is there any option to add Randomize Pool quiz and Embedding iframe in Captivate
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Hello everyone, for my captivate project I use the pre-installed master slides
for my quiz. I need the quiz in English and in German, German is the installed
language of Captivate. I have been able to change everything except for the
labelling of the...
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