E-learning is a great tool for letting new employees that you’re serious about employee learning and development. But, it’s not just all pretense, e-learning during onboarding, and even pre-onboarding has been shown to help employees familiarize themselves with an organization’s culture, work ethics, history and expectations (its essence), while giving new employees a sort of head-start in the organization.
E-learning has replaced traditional classroom training as the prime corporate training delivery mechanism in numerous organizations in the recent years. E-learning has grown with a 200% growth rate in the last decade. While this is in no terms a small feat, the growth of e-learning could be dramatically accelerated if it not for the resistance to change most organizations show. No organization is living under a rock these days, and know that corporate e-learning is not just a passing fad. It is something that will be ubiquitous by the next decade, even sooner if certain authorities are to be believed. So why haven’t all organizations switched to e-learning by now?
Well, the most common answer received by CEOs and CLOs (Chief Learning Officers) is that it is too much work. According to them, the hassle of analyze the needs of hundreds (sometimes thousands) of employees, curating content to make sure only that which is suitable is selected, as well as finally building the said e-learning program and finding a suitable learning management system (LMS) to make sure it is delivered to each employee in a set frequency is something too humongous to even contemplate. Although switching from traditional training to e-learning is no easy task, and all the points above are valid, the real reason, I believe is these organizations’ resistance to change.
This resistance to change stems from the fact that “What if we switch from traditional training to e-learning and still don’t get results?” It is exactly this sort of thinking which forces organizations in spending literal fortunes on traditional L&D every year, with extremely unsatisfying results.
For the first part of the problem, the “This is too much to do” part, there are various e-learning solutions providers like CBLPro, who’ll gladly take everything off your hands and deliver the perfect e-learning solution to you, all the while helping you transition from traditional training to e-learning, curating content for you, and even suggesting a suitable LMS with the bare minimal (only the important parts) input from you. There, your first problem has been delegated.
And to the second, the “What if I don’t get results” problem, I say “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it”. If you’re organization’s already bleeding millions every year with no satisfactory results, I don’t think you can afford to NOT look into other avenues, particularly those which have been proven to be successful.

Image Source: https://www.upsidelearning.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/a-fresh-look-at-levels-of-custom-elearning-solutions.jpg
If you still have inhibitions about whether e-learning is for your organization, let me tell you that e-learning solutions providers can MAKE it so that it is EXACTLY for your organization. Known as “Custom E-learning”, it means precisely what it looks like. You’ll get an e-learning program, entirely unique to your organization, built solely for the employees of your organization. It’ll be based on your organization’s context, culture, brand values, policies as well as processes. Sounds good? Let me take you through various benefits a custom e-learning solution provides an organization.
- It Accelerates Skill Development
When your corporate e-learning program is built specifically from organization-specific information, it accelerates skill development in addition to modifying behavior in employees, as all your e-learning modules are now laser-focused and tailored to particular needs.
- It Improves Continually and Can Be Upgraded
The best thing about custom e-learning is perhaps the fact that it can be altered as and when needed after every feedback cycle. Thus, after say, a quarter, certain gaps are found in the e-learning program, or something that occurs regularly in employee feedback needs to be tweaked, you can easily do it. Hey! It’s your own e-learning program. You can change, update and improve it continually.
- Enhances Onboarding Experience
Onboarding is a crucial time, even though many companies do not realize it. This is so because most employees decide whether they are serious about a company or not in the first few weeks of joining, sometimes even before that. Thus, the onboarding training program must instill in employees a sense of belongingness and loyalty for the organization. Your custom e-learning program can be built in such a way that it offers employees who are onboarding with modules that present the company’s uniqueness, culture, authority, values, as well as their undying support for their employees.
No need to persuade most of us about the advantages of eLearning in company environment. May I add, based on my career, another possible cause for reluctance about embedding (good) eLearning couses? What is the situation with using eLearning in formal education? Most recent generations have grown up with Internet and smartphones, but not always with using them for learning in formal educations.
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