March 8, 2019
Happy Women’s Day!!!
March 8, 2019
Happy Women’s Day!!!

To all the great women who’ve made eLearning  successful and made eLearning an enchanted experience, every day!

2019-03-08 15:08:16
2019-03-08 15:08:16

Thank you so much for remembering this day! Always proud to be a woman, though I have suffered from a lot of discrimination in my professional life. Hope it will be better for next generations.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-05-22 14:44:17
2020-05-22 14:44:17
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

As research, we need 99 more years to have full equality. By the way, very very late congratulations to all women of this community.

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