Looking for published work referencing your use of blended learning technology to use in my graduate degree capstone project.
While completing my MATC (Masters of Arts Technical Communication) I’ve chosen to focus on the untapped potential of using AR (augmented reality), VR (virtual reality), and MR (mixed reality) in instruction design to improve learner experience for my capstone project. I’ve found many books to support my theory and several studies in different journals but would love to be able to include companies and instructional design professionals using at least one of the emerging visual technology formats as a major component for your current and future instructional design strategy.
I’m looking for links to blog posts, articles published in trade publications, interviews on podcasts, journal articles, and other published works (including slides from presentations and digital resources) to draw on for my capstone project.
Thank you for your time.
It is not very clear to me what you want precisely? Captivate has been adding the possibility to use 360 slides in projects. It is not really VR, more AR and the future releases will certainly improve this new feature. That type of slides can enhance the engagement factor of an eLearning course when well designed. One example: to show the environment in a technical room of a hospital explaining the equipment, as introduction to further eLearning about using the equipment (with 2D or 3D video).
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