You can localize the Table of Content by enditing the CPM.js file in the the published output.
A recent question in the forum was how to localize the Table of Contents text to another language.
You can edit the CPM.js file in the Assets folder > js folder – use Notepad to do so:
See example below.

Duration:true,statusFlag:true,hasSelfPaced:true,htmlFileId:19348,clear:’Clear Status Flag’,bookmark:’Bookmark’,moreInfo:’More Info’,slideTitle:’Slide Title’,duration:’Duration’,minutes:’Minutes’,go:’Go’,noSearchText:’No Matches Found’,
Duration:true,statusFlag:true,hasSelfPaced:true,htmlFileId:19348,clear:’Bandera de Estado Clara’,bookmark:’Marcador’,moreInfo:’Más información’,slideTitle:’Título de la diapositiva’,duration:’Duración’,minutes:’Minutos’,go:’Mi para Ir’,noSearchText:’No se encontraron coincidencias’
Make sure you edit the file after you publish your last version of your project. Also if the language has accents save the CPM.js file out of Notepad in UTF-8 format.
You are lucky…. Belgium has 3 official languages: Dutch (majority >60%), French (about 35%), German (small minority). Add to that English (most Dutch speaking people know it), and the multitude of languages in our big cities, like in Brussel (about 30). I also had Spanish and Italian students.
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