April 22, 2019
Quick Tip: Cropping Background Images
April 22, 2019
Quick Tip: Cropping Background Images
Explorer 17 posts
Followers: 13 people

If you use background images in smart shapes or fluid boxes, the “Tile Type” setting will determine what will get cropped when the screen is resized.  Pretty cool, huh?

2019-05-01 17:23:12
2019-05-01 17:23:12

Pretty cool

2019-04-23 19:21:27
2019-04-23 19:21:27

Is this something just for responsive projects?  How do you get to this window?

Gray Susan
's comment
2019-04-23 22:39:47
2019-04-23 22:39:47
Gray Susan
's comment

Good Question, it’s kinda hidden: To get to that window select a smart object or fluid box, then in the Properties bar use Fill / Image.  Then click on the tiny little thumbnail that represents the image you want to use for the background.  You’ll see the settings there. Remember:  make the image the the same size, or bigger than the smart object or fluid box.  That way, when you tile it, the user won’t see it repeat.

's comment
2019-04-24 07:27:08
2019-04-24 07:27:08
's comment

It is the same for all images used to fill a shape, a transparent button.  I would like to see an answer to my comment, because I talked about possible problems with Tiling especiallay in responsive projects. Choosing an alignment is just defining where the first image of the tiles start. In a Fluid box you can align as well, and no need to tile in that case.

's comment
2019-04-24 13:27:16
2019-04-24 13:27:16
's comment

Thank you.  That was kind of hidden.

2019-04-23 11:54:44
2019-04-23 11:54:44

Why not choose proper alignment in Fluid Box?  Will also define the cropping direction and you will not risk (with Tile) that on very big screens the image will tile.

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