April 23, 2019
7 Unexpected Ways To Use Course Content Catalogs To Mitigate Corporate Compliance Risks
April 23, 2019
7 Unexpected Ways To Use Course Content Catalogs To Mitigate Corporate Compliance Risks
Christopher Pappas is the founder of The eLearning Industry’s Network, which is the largest online community of professionals involved in the eLearning field. Christopher holds an MBA, and an MEd (Learning Design) from BGSU.
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How To Mitigate Corporate Compliance Risks Using Course Content Catalogs

Many SMBs believe they can’t afford to launch a personalized compliance training program. The truth is you can’t afford NOT to. Every member of your team must be prepared to handle work-related emergencies and avoid costly violations, such as breaching regulatory protocols or COI policies. But how do you provide your staff with the training tools they need to uphold company standards? The answer is a course content catalog that fills in the gaps and enriches your current compliance curriculum. Here are some unexpected ways you can use these pre-built solutions to mitigate corporate compliance risks.

  1. Fill Performance And Skill Gaps That Tie Into Compliance Tasks

It’s not just about the compliance issues, per se. You also need to build the skills and performance behaviors that serve as a foundation for the compliance risks. For example, your team lacks effective communication and interpersonal skills. Which leads to costly on-the-job accidents since they couldn’t work together and convey their ideas. Their signals get crossed and they end up injuring a co-worker. A course content catalog can help you address these areas for improvement and mitigate the compliance risks.

  1. Pair Simulations With Difficult Customer Online Courses To Impart Experience

Every organization has specific policies in place regarding how to handle customers. It ensures the employees uphold the company image and retain loyal consumers. But also, that you don’t diminish your bottom line by accepting out-of-date returns or accepting a lower price during the sale. Your employees must be prepared to deal with difficult customers, as well. Online training compliance courses can get them ready for the challenges that lie ahead by imparting real-world experience. Especially when you pair them with immersive simulations. For example, a customer service employee completes the online training course then participates in a task simulation. They apply what they learn, benefit from their mistakes and are exposed to customer personas.

  1. Prevent On-The-job Accidents With Safety Courses AND Peer-Based Coaching

Incorporate safety online training compliance courses from the course content catalog and follow it up with peer-based coaching sessions. These can be done face-to-face or via video conferencing tools. You even have the option to conduct coaching through social media groups. The goal is to get employees talking about the safety issues and seeing how they tie into their job duties. For instance, how they can use business ethics training to politely decline a client’s offer without losing valuable business. The peer-based coaching sessions allow them to provide feedback and work together to address areas for improvement.

  1. Focus On Hazard Communication To Improve Employee Accountability And Reporting

Your organization may have to adhere to OSHA communication hazard guidelines. But even if these don’t pertain to your industry, your employees must still know how to handle non-compliance reporting. It’s best to find a course content catalog that explores both sides of the issue. Employees identify their responsibilities, while employers learn how to develop an effective hazard communication plan.

  1. Blend ILT Sessions With Business Ethics Resources To Provide Ongoing Support

Failure to follow business ethics protocols leaves your brand image in question. Both on the part of consumers and your employees. One of the best ways to ensure your employees maintain company standards is to blend ILT sessions with ongoing support, courtesy of the eLearning course content catalog. Host live events online or face-to-face meetups. Then invite your employees to explore the course content catalog on their own or give them a guide. They can participate in a business ethics course or other skill-based courses that tie into the topic, such as soft skills that allow them to decline client bribes with tact.

  1. Facilitate Team Building With Conflict Management And Resolution Online Training Courses

Compliance training adheres to the old ‘you’re only as strong as your weakest link’ adage. Everyone on the team must do their part and follow the rules to ensure safety and avoid costly penalties. For example, 49 employees have participated in training and know the policies. But that 50th staff member who didn’t can put everyone in jeopardy and tarnish your image. As such, team building is a crucial component of compliance online training. Employees should receive conflict management and resolution resources to help them strengthen their team dynamic and open up the lines of communication.

  1. Pre-Assess To Prioritize Compliance Risks

Conduct pre-assessments to determine which risks are more prevalent so that you can prioritize and narrow the scope. This also allows you to identify which eLearning course content catalog resources are targeted for your team. For example, you notice a spike in work-related accidents or assessments reveal that they don’t know how to handle an emergency. Of course, you may need a simulation or scenario-based evaluation to determine this. Then you can use this data to customize your strategy and focus on compliance topics that garner immediate attention. You can even develop certification paths that include all the essentials in sequence. So that employees take on the top priorities first and then move onto the less timely resources. Such as handling a difficult customer or developing soft skills that pertain to other aspects of the training.

An eLearning content catalog isn’t solely intended for organizations who lack the resources to build from scratch. You can even use it to enhance your current online training program and offer moment-of-need support to your remote workforce. But first, conduct a training needs analysis to identify the shortcomings and narrow your content scope. Then figure out which online training resources you can use to enrich the experience. Such as real-world simulations and peer-based coaching that make pre-built courses even more effective.

Shore up your corporate compliance strategy with an eLearning content catalog that covers everything from on-the-job safety to conflict management. You’ll also find skill-building resources to bridge the surrounding gaps so that your team can improve performance and reduce risks.

To know more about the content catalog offered by Adobe Captivate Prime, please write to primecontentadmin@adobe.com.

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