In this, my first Adobe Captivate tutorial I will demonstrate how to achieve a reflection effect with a custom motion path.
Thanks for watching!
How did the file size of the image change in the Library after editing it? Since you seem to be comfortable with Photoshop, a tip: use PS to the wanted size in Captivate, do not resize in Captivate.
I did read in another thread that you publish often to exe, which is SWF-based. Have no idea what will happen after the disappearance of the Flash player which is not so far away.
As for the question by Le Dirio: of course you can do that in Captivate, add the Scale from to effect.
Really nice Lieve! When I was a language teacher there was the concept of “L+1” – teach the learners the language level they have (L) +1 degree of a good challenge to keep stimulating learning and progress. I really appreciate your contributions, I have already learned so much from you. Moreover, I find this forum very stimulating and a great way to shed light on the many things I don’t even know that I don’t know yet! I love reading all the contributors questions, articles and approaches to things. I look forward to more and more in the future.
Hi Le Dirlo,
Thanks for the comment! You can indeed add additional effects to the same object. While I’m waiting for moderator approval here on the Adobe site here is a quick link to the video showing how to do it from my YouTube channel:
Thank you Le Dirlo for the encouraging words!
I found Captivate took some time to learn(I am still learning something new about it every day!). It’s very satisfying when you get something working though1 It reminds me of that feeling when I was doing algebra or trigonometry at school as a kid – There is nothing like it when you finally understand a problem and it all works out!
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