May 1, 2019
Geographic resources
May 1, 2019
Geographic resources
I'm a former teacher (and headmaster) in french primary schools. Now I work as a freelance on the net as a webmaster. I used to work with Flash for many years, but now I'm starting to discover Captivate and find it amazing !...
Master 64 posts
Followers: 21 people

Hello Captivaters !…

Back to work after my trip in Cornwall !…

And I’ve just finished to convert all my geographic resources from Flash to html5 Captivate !…

So you should find more than 60 projects on these pages (follow the links !…) and the following.

– For theoretical resources :

– For exercises resources :

Here are two examples :

The Earth rotation


The Earth revolution


And a special trick : sometimes I have to put the same project on two different pages, and as I place a link to the page on the project, it was not comfortable to load two times the same project on the web, just to change one link !!…

So I use javascript and instead of a link to the address of the page, I just put :


in the javascript window !…

2019-05-02 13:23:10
2019-05-02 13:23:10

Pretty cool.

2019-05-02 07:20:17
2019-05-02 07:20:17

Merci beaucoup pour les examples, et l’astuce de JS.

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