May 21, 2019
Path to becoming an ACI (Part 2)
May 21, 2019
Path to becoming an ACI (Part 2)
in It industry as Instructor, Developer since 25+ years. Work on Java, .Net, Network protocols, Different Networking System like Linux, Windows Server . Prog. in Adv. Excel etc.
Newbie 62 posts
Followers: 26 people

As explained in the previous blog, To become a Certified Instructor, besides becoming ACE, we need to show our teaching proficiency. Following Video was submitted for the same. (Kindly go through my earlier post …)

You may feel that my teaching is not clear & flow is too fast. BUT believe me, as per CTT+ rules, we have to cover so many points in just 15 minutes and so no choice. The second reason is, we normally get tensed & nervous as the recording was going on(that also for Exam!)

We have to cover the following points in 15/20 minutes!!!

1) Self-introduction
2) Students introductions
3) The Topic intro
4) About our Institute arrangements (Like where is a toilet, Pantry, etc)!!!
5) Teach the Subject.
6) Make discussion with students & get them involved.
7) Show practical also…
8) Review/Rewind what we taught.
9) Take their small test/quiz if possible(Assess them) And all this in 15 minutes, without any cut in the video(Max one allowed with real reason for that)!

All the above point in 15 to 20 minutes! (and the fact is, in real-life, normally we take 15 minutes in just intro !!)

For any guidance, you can email me at or

2019-06-14 19:29:17
2019-06-14 19:29:17

Loved that video!

2019-05-22 12:24:13
2019-05-22 12:24:13

Can I ask, what have you found the benefits of having the ACE and/or ACI accreditation? Did they help you in your day-to-day work? Did they help you gain further employment?

I have been a teacher trainer for many years and it is true that a person could barely pass a teaching certification course and be recognised as a teacher. If you put this ‘newbie’ beside another professional who has the same certificate but decades of experience, the gulf in quality is of course apparent.

However, we all need to start somewhere and certification, in my own experience, is like a ‘licence to teach’ i.e. the first major step not the final destination. I would say that you only truly become a great teacher(or really any kind of professional) when you can marry the certification with lots of practical experience. So, I would agree with Lieve above, insofar as, certification alone does not guarantee excellence. But I would say, recognised industry accreditation is a vital component in setting useful standards for employers, networks etc.

Fergus Fadden
's comment
2019-05-22 13:33:30
2019-05-22 13:33:30
Fergus Fadden
's comment

If that certificate did indeed measure the expertise, but that is not the case at all. ACE just proves that you have a good memory for the Help documentation, even if it is wrong! It never is assessing any expertise.

As for ACI: you get it if you are in an approved training center, has nothing to do with teaching skills. Sorry about that cynical comment, but it is just the case. Have to add that standards for teaching in my region (Flanders) are bot the same as in the USA of course.


2019-05-22 07:52:48
2019-05-22 07:52:48

Just FYI, it depends a lot on the country.  Once I took the ACE (which was ridiculous, doesn’t prove anything about expertise, same as the present certification). I applied to be an ACI.  Know that I have over 30 years of career in education (music high school and university college). Moreover I have several pedagogical degrees, on to of my other degrees. No way, not recognized by Adobe. But I know a lot of really incompetent ACI’s. Strange world.

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