June 30, 2019
Adobe Captivate and Instructional Systems Series
June 30, 2019
Adobe Captivate and Instructional Systems Series

I have been a Learning Scientist, USN Submariner, and Software Engineer since 2000. I have been assigned to schools and courses ranging from soft skills training to collegiate classes. Throughout this time, I have conducted and led numerous Front-End Analyses, Business Case Analyses, Training and School House Reviews, Task Analyses, Media Fidelity Analyses, and Full-Course Development (e.g., Captivate, Camtasia, Composica, Storyline 3/360, Rise 360, Moodle, D2L, Unity, and Blackboard).

Followers: 3 people
As an Instructional Systems Specialist (ISS) for the US Government, I have used various authoring tools ranging from government off the shelf (GOTs) to commercial off the shelf (COTs) to include: Lectora, Articulate, Outstart, Camtasia, and good old fashion homegrown. Adobe Captivate has always stood above the rest since my initial introduction with Adobe Captivate 5. Adobe Captivate 2019 is a huge step up since Captivate 5 let alone 2017. With the Help of Adobe Captivate 2019, ISS’s will be able to develop new learning experiences for our service members, while also upgrading the current courses with ease.

I have been a Learning Scientist, USN Submariner, and Software Engineer since 2000. I have been assigned to schools and courses ranging from soft skills training to collegiate classes. Throughout this time, I have conducted and led numerous Front-End Analyses, Business Case Analyses, Training and School House Reviews, Task Analyses, Media Fidelity Analyses, and Full-Course Development (e.g., Captivate, Camtasia, Composica, Storyline 3/360, Rise 360, Moodle, D2L, Unity, and Blackboard).

Followers: 3 people
I have been a Learning Scientist, USN Submariner, and Software Engineer since 2000. I have been assigned to schools and courses ranging from soft skills training to collegiate classes. Throughout this time, I have conducted and led numerous Front-End Analyses, Business Case Analyses, Training and School House Reviews, Task Analyses, Media Fidelity Analyses, and Full-Course Development (e.g., Captivate, Camtasia, Composica, Storyline 3/360, Rise 360, Moodle, D2L, Unity, and Blackboard).
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