June 4, 2019
Another Bite At The Captivate Apple
June 4, 2019
Another Bite At The Captivate Apple

I am an instructional designer and instructional technologist who has used Captivate off and on for many years, I even used Robo Demo back in the day.  New versions of Captivate always seem to be on the bleeding edge of the designer’s tool game and every time I look at a new version of Captivate I fall in love with it. So why do I continue to stop using it? Well there are many factors, and I believe that many users are in the same boat as me. I have stopped using Captivate in the past because the computer I was using didn’t perform very well once Captivate was installed, or I got frustrated at the lack of free tutorials and assistance available, or I just didn’t have the right project that kept me motivated to use Captivate. Well I just started a new Instructional design job where I will be needing to create a lot of engaging content, and I thought I would add Captivate back into my tool box.

I am about to download and try Captivate 2019, after I stopped using 2017 and the 2019 Beta. How many of you are repeat users coming back after time away? What made you stop using Captivate, and what brought you back?

2019-07-31 11:42:13
2019-07-31 11:42:13

I started using Captivate in 2007 I think, it was mainly screen capture tool back then, and a pretty good one. We soon switched to Camtasia for screen capture, but about 5 years ago we came back to Captivate for course creation. Captivate is relatively affordable, it provides Responsive output options and it is widely popular among other e-learning developers = our custom development clients.

FasterCourse e-learning templates
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2019-07-31 12:06:11
2019-07-31 12:06:11
FasterCourse e-learning templates
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Captivate has sort of a clone of Camtasia, which is the Video Demo. It doesn’t have all the bells ans whistles of Camtasia (which I used before) but integrates much easier in a real cptx-project.

2019-06-06 07:05:00
2019-06-06 07:05:00

I never regretted having chosen Captivate a s my primary eLearning tool.  As you know perhaps, I am helping CP users since 10 years daily in social media and by blogging.

Having used Lectora, was frustrated by its lack of media handling, and the need to switch to JS for very simple workflows. I don’t like Articulate, will never use it, for many reasons. Main reason is that it feels so amateurish not to have good reuse workflows, no Library and relying all the time on Copy/Paste workflows.

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