New Captivate user …. seeks inspiration and guidance within the community.
I am a new Captivate user. My goal is to gain skills to build engaging and visually communicating with the learner. I have been consuming as much information as possible from YouTube video, blogs, and researching visuals. What are your inspirations for creating UI/UX in your eLearning? I looked but within the community is there a Captivate Challenge area similar to the eLearning Heroes within the Adobe platform? What would be your top tip for a new Captivate user? I did complete the Captivate Specialist program in May and found it to be very beneficial providing a good foundation. Now I would like to build a mansion on that foundation.
Are you on the most recent version? If yes, have a look at the sample projects, and try out the Quick Start Projects. I have posted a blog, where I did use only slides from the Aspire project, and Assets from the ne Assets panel. The link to the Fluid Boxes project is in this blog which also offers you some tips. Moreover the published files is about the 6 types of buttons Captivate provides, which is really a tutorial. Beware of spam posters, please. You can have a look at:
Hi Tabatha, we take inspiration from design websites, like dribbble and behance, and then adjust it to Captivate specifics. May I suggest checking out captivate template websites, full disclosure we have one too:
Good luck.
No challenge area. I tried to post some discussions, but without much results. Sorry about that. Maybe you could help building the community by your participation?
As for UX in Captivate: to the design side, everything is based on the THEME used in your project. Did you learn about that import topic in your exploration?
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