Most of my webinars are open to all industries and audiences, but I have a sentimental attachment to the International Legal Technology Association. They are a great organization for legal professionals, and I was a member for several years.
Our upcoming virtual session on internal promotion of training will happen on Wednesday, June 12 at 12PM Eastern. Click here to register. Hope to see you!
Session Description: You built it, now will they come? Many firms provide great learning opportunities and resources, but few people take advantage of them. From basic tip sheets to learning management systems and everything in between, our webinar speakers will dive into how you can promote and market your training department services to raise awareness and generate excitement around learning. Remember, it’s not what you know, it’s what you do with what you know!
Katrina M. Baker – Senior Learning Evangelist, Adobe
Sandra Y. Craft – Applications Trainer, Perkins Coie LLP
Asima Macci – Manager, Training & QA, Bennett Jones LLP
Heather C. Morrow – Director, Project Manager and Training, Loeb & Loeb LLP
Dede Ricard – Applications Trainer, McGlinchey Stafford