There is a known issue under scrutiny by both the Adobe Presenter and Connect engineering teams. A Meeting room will crash when a Meeting host or presenter invokes content published to the Adobe Connect Content Library using Presenter 11.1 (build 203).
There are at least five possible workaround options that allow one to avoid this issue:
1. Upload the Presenter content directly to the Meeting room or Virtual Classroom from the Presenter authoring client workstation: Instead of pointing the Meeting share pod to the Content Library, simply publish locally and upload to the Meeting Share pod. The content will work fine in the Meeting when it is not invoked from the Content Library.
2. Upload the PPTX that you wish to use in the Meeting directly to the Adobe Connect Content Library for use with Adobe Connect Meeting without using Presenter. Since the rich Presenter authoring options to embellish a PPTX for use on the Web are often reserved for on-demand content, when these option are not needed in a real-time Meeting, simply publish from Presenter for on-demand use and upload the PPTX directly to the library separately to share in Meetings. You may also upload the PPTX directly to the Meeting Share pod as well.
3. Use Presenter 11.1 build 189. If you are not experiencing this issue when invoking the workflow described, it is probably because you are running build 189 of Presenter 11.1. The trial version of Presenter for download is version 189. If you downloaded the trial and then added a production serial key later, you will not see this problem. Since there are numerous workarounds less intrusive than uninstalling build 203 and reinstalling build 189, I offer this option with reservations, nevertheless, reinstalling from the trial download link and reapplying your production serial key will solve the issue.
4. Use the Adobe Connect Web Links pod to invoke the Presenter content from the Content Library for all participants in any Meeting. This pod drives playback of the on-demand Presenter content in a separate browser on each participant client. This option requires pop-up blockers be turned off on the clients and that permissions are correctly set for on-demand playback by the participants. The Chat pod also allows live links in any Meeting and as a best practice, whenever you use the Web Links pod, it is prudent to also have the target URL available in a Chat Pod for participants with pop-up blockers.
5. Specifically for on-premise Adobe Connect deployments, a server or cluster administrator may edit an xml file server-side as a workaround. For details on this option see the following technote: Adobe Presenter 11.1 build 203 crashes Connect rooms
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