I frequently add Event Videos to slides. The videos do not play automatically; typically the presenter will speak first and then start the video. When a slide with a video is accessed (and before the presenter plays the video), I would like to have the video player showing a frame from the video, rather than just a solid black screen. Is this possible? This is purely for aesthetic reasons, so that there is an image on the screen as the presenter talks, rather than a black rectangle. Any assistance is appreciated! Thank you!
There are two ways this can work.
The professional way to make this work is within the video itself. You create a poster image in your video so the first frame in the video is what you want to be shown. So you can grab a screenshot of any frame in your video and stick that frame or graphic on the very first frame of the video, then when you load the video you will see the first frame. This is how it is done normally for most video, social media, etc. And it works in Captivate just the same. However I notice in Captivate when I preview in HTML5 it starts the video even if there is a pause on enter.
So an easier and simpler workaround would be to take a screen grab of whatever frame you you like, and place it on the timeline with a Play button on top of it. When you click the button it can either “continue” and play the rest of the slide (just change the “Appear After:” property of the Video to 1 or 2) so it plays the video. You can also have the image fade out while the video fades in for a smooth transition or have it jump to another slide.
Hope that helps!
I’m sorry but there is no direct way to do so. Can you tell if you did insert the video as event video or as slide video, please? Normally it will not be a black screen. Maybe you are not talking about a video but about a published cptx project?