August 6, 2019
About Adobe Learning Summit 2019
August 6, 2019
About Adobe Learning Summit 2019
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi Everyone,

We’ve been using Articulate Storyline for years and I’ve been reading a lot about Captivate and I’d like to give it a try.

I signed up for a free trial and I received an invitation to signed up for the Adobe Learning Summit 2019. I did but I actually have few questions:

1- Is this event for absolute beginners in Captivate?

2- Is there workshops and hands-on to teach how to use the software?

3- What is the difference between the Learning Summit and the Adobe Captivate Specialist Certificate Program?


1 Comment
2019-08-09 13:32:49
2019-08-09 13:32:49

Hello Ahmed, I’m a frequent speaker and presenter at the Adobe eLearning conferences. The conference itself is set up into tracks. There are beginner tracks where the presenters will speak to features and topics that are appropriate for beginners. There are also intermediate and advanced tracks as well, but the beautiful thing about the structure of the conference is that you don’t have to stay within a track. You can select any session you wish to attend.

I’m conducting a session called Mobile Learning using Ready-to-go slides and Fluid Boxes. If you come to my session, you will learn actual steps that you can reproduce yourself. I will be demoing the tool live on stage – no PowerPoint for me.

The Learning Summit is more of a traditional conference. The Adobe Captivate Specialist Certification Program is more a full blended learning solution for someone exactly like yourself to skill up and become a Captivate Specialist over about two weeks. The first thing you must do is complete the 7.5 hours of video instruction online. These video courses come with exercise files that you must work through to cement the knowledge and skills, so it’s more like twice that amount of learning. When you arrive at the classroom session, there will be a further 6 hours of in-class training, which will be a combination of review and new instruction. Later in the afternoon, you will write an assessment. If you are successful, you will earn your certification. This certification is a credential that includes web verification. Employers (or potential employers) can see that you are skilled in this area. I hope that helps.

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