Each time Adobe releases a new update, I always run into issues. I’m running Captivate on a MacBook Pro. Whether I update from a blank project or from the home screen I get the following error message. Can anyone tell me why?
I’ve just tried to perform the installation because Captivate kept crashing on me.
Update to Captivate 11.5.1. on Mac OSX 10.13.6
Took ages and finally stopped at 9%, reporting an Error code: 117, which, based on the Adobe help, is a network access error. I find this hard to believe, as my tested download speed is > 75MBPS.
- Rebooting in safe mode
- Cleaning preferences etc.
- Completely uninstalling, downloading and reinstalling from Adobe then applying update from Update menu.
Spent hours on this and absolutely nothing works.
I’ve been a Captivate user, trainer and beta tester for years and I have to say that I’m completely flummoxed.
As an owner of a paid subscription, I’m also more than a little pissed off.
Hi Alexa,
I also had trouble with this update, it gave me “Error Code: 184”. I closed Captivate after receiving the error and when I tried to reopen it, it told me I needed to reinstall it. I uninstalled it, rebooted my computer, and reinstalled it and the update worked fine after that.
Hi Layli,
Thanks for your comment. The last time I uninstalled Captivate for the previous update, it turned into a 2 day nightmare between Adobe support and Apple. Not only did the reinstall not work, but it wouldn’t take the license key! Just for the sake of my sanity, I may just keep things the way they are. Especially since I’m working on a project for a client.
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