August 12, 2019
Issue Updating to Captivate version 11.5.1
August 12, 2019
Issue Updating to Captivate version 11.5.1
Freelance eLearning developer. I currently work as a Learning Experience Designer where I create video courses for both public and private sector clients.
Newbie 14 posts
Followers: 10 people

Each time Adobe releases a new update, I always run into issues. I’m running Captivate on a MacBook Pro. Whether I update from a blank project or from the home screen I get the following error message. Can anyone tell me why?

2019-11-09 04:20:22
2019-11-09 04:20:22

I’ve just tried to perform the installation because Captivate kept crashing on me.

Update to Captivate 11.5.1. on Mac OSX 10.13.6

Took ages and finally stopped at 9%, reporting an Error code: 117, which, based on the Adobe help, is a network access error. I find this hard to believe, as my tested download speed is > 75MBPS.


  • Rebooting in safe mode
  • Cleaning preferences etc.
  • Completely uninstalling, downloading and reinstalling from Adobe then applying update from Update menu.

Spent hours on this and absolutely nothing works.

I’ve been a Captivate user, trainer and beta tester for years and I have to say that I’m completely flummoxed.

As an owner of a paid subscription, I’m also more than a little pissed off.



2019-08-16 20:08:13
2019-08-16 20:08:13

Hi Alexa,

I also had trouble with this update, it gave me “Error Code: 184”. I closed Captivate after receiving the error and when I tried to reopen it, it told me I needed to reinstall it. I uninstalled it, rebooted my computer, and reinstalled it and the update worked fine after that.

's comment
2019-08-20 15:32:08
2019-08-20 15:32:08
's comment

Hi Layli,

Thanks for your comment. The last time I uninstalled Captivate for the previous update, it turned into a 2 day nightmare between Adobe support and Apple.  Not only did the reinstall not work, but it wouldn’t take the license key! Just for the sake of my sanity, I may just keep things the way they are. Especially since I’m working on a project for a client. 

Alexa Franklin-Burrell
's comment
2019-08-20 16:53:07
2019-08-20 16:53:07
Alexa Franklin-Burrell
's comment

Good idea. Never install an update while you are working on a project.

I am now able to see the error. While updating, you need to close Captivate. It seems still to be running.

2019-08-13 07:43:01
2019-08-13 07:43:01

You didn’t add the image of the error. Could you please do so?

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