August 23, 2019
Native Customization of Your Adobe Captivate Prime Account
August 23, 2019
Native Customization of Your Adobe Captivate Prime Account
Newbie 7 posts
Followers: 2 people

The ability to customize your LMS so easily is a key competency of Adobe Captivate Prime. It is extremely beneficial as it enables your training vertical to reflect organizational branding in all areas of the LMS. In addition to providing a visual connection for your learners, a customized look-and-feel provides an enhanced learning experience.

Click below to download the business document that tells you all about why and how to use the inbuilt branding capabilities of Captivate Prime.

Native Customization of Your Learning Experience with Adobe Captivate Prime – Doc B

The ‘B’ indicates that there is no customer identifying information in this document.

2020-02-04 05:46:35
2020-02-04 05:46:35

Hi All,

Here’s an updated customer guide for “How to customize your Adobe Captivate Prime account”:

Would be great to hear back on how your customization went

2020-01-15 16:23:38
2020-01-15 16:23:38

Thank you for posting this resource.

's comment
2020-02-04 05:47:36
2020-02-04 05:47:36
's comment
2019-11-27 09:35:08
2019-11-27 09:35:08

If you would like to follow my posts, I am now posting as ashwinijaisim. Do follow me! My latest posts:

Use xAPI to link real world experiences to your Adobe Captivate Prime LMS and thereby to your training initiatives. Make inferences about the impact of your training, reward your learners, and use the feedback to augment your trainings as you go alon…


If you are a large organization spread across multiple departments and divisions, and/or you have several customers and business partners, all of whom have independent yet overlapping training needs, then you should look to an LMS that supports exten…


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