Captivate click boxes
I have a slide I created where I have six individuals on a slide and when each is clicked a speech bubble with audio appears and plays. I have the action set on the click boxes.
Originally I had them staggered so the user had to click on in a certain order. They want them all accessible at the same time. So I lengthened all the click boxes to be available for the same time (9.2) but I still can’t click on all of them. Ideas?
I am using the very latest version, just updated last month. I was not aware of the bitmap to button feature. Your posts are ALWAYS so informative. I truly wish this role that I am in allowed for more formal training, or fewer projects at a time for me to do more independent learning, but at this point my plate is so full! so your posts are invaluable to me.
Here two links, the first to a very important blog about the timeline, one out of a series:
The following blogs give more details about the button types:
I would like to hear which version you are using. Click boxes are very outdated… they are not even allowed in fluid boxes projects. If you are on 11.5, why not use the characters themselves as buttons? Will post a link with an overview of all the button types, bitmaps as button is one of the new types.
The real answer to your question is probably linked with not fully understanding the timeline and pausing the timeline. Click boxes have a pausing point at the end of their timeline. If you use a non-advanced (or shared) action by default the playhead is released when you click it and the simple action is executed. You can avoid that by deactivating the option ‘Continue Playing the Project’ which is available in the Properties panel.
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