August 8, 2019
Smart Shapes timed to audio not working
August 8, 2019
Smart Shapes timed to audio not working
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have created an interactive eLearning course. For one slide, I have added smart shapes and have the shapes to appear timed to audio also in the slide. When I published the project to video (or preview it within the slide) it works great! However, when I publish to either HTML, Executable or in preview mode, the smart shapes do not appear and I only have the audio. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I could absolutely be doing something wrong, I am just not sure what the problem is.

Thank you,


2019-08-16 20:54:39
2019-08-16 20:54:39

Attached is a another screen shot of the timeline for the slide I was working on.

I really tried to create an interactive project. I’m reading your blog posts now.

Thank you,



's comment
2019-08-17 07:43:09
2019-08-17 07:43:09
's comment

Suspicion confirmed. On top of the stack you have an interactive object which is pausing the playhead at 1.5secs. Only objects who have entered the slide already will be visible. This is a very loooong slide. I don’t even see it completely. You need to move the pausing point to be at the earliest just after the start of the last object timeline. Please, read the blog for which I posted a link. You are not alone, be sure, at least half of the Captivate users do ignore the importance of the timeline and bump onto this kind of problems.

2019-08-12 07:42:21
2019-08-12 07:42:21
2019-08-12 07:41:17
2019-08-12 07:41:17

MP4 is a passive medium, not interactive.

Play slide is NOT a Preview method at all. It is meant only for synchronizing, not to have a real approximate preview. Since you talk about MP4 I assume you are working on a non-responsive project. I suspect misunderstanding of the timeline (very common issue) is the cause. Can you please post a screenshot of the timeline of that slide? I will post a link to a blog post, one out of a series, that you really need to read.


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