August 2, 2019
Unable to change background image
August 2, 2019
Unable to change background image

Greetings everyone, I’m in need of a little assistance today.  I’m trying to change the background on a slide by applying a custom background when I click on Properties – Image Fill – then slide color the option to select and change the custom image is greyed out.  I’ve tried everything I possibly know to do to remedy this situation.  Does any have any hints on how to overcome this? Thanks!

2019-09-10 16:59:16
2019-09-10 16:59:16

First of all thank you Adobe E-Learning Community for all of your input!  In retrospect, I believe you’re correct Paul, in that Captivate was thinking that there was already an image on the slide.  The only way I was able to overcome this was to save my project and then uninstall and reinstall Captivate.  Certainly, not my first choice but, it did fix my issue.  BTW, I always run the most current version of Captivate on my machine.  So, I’m chalking this up to a bug.  Luckily, I haven’t been able to recreate this error again.

2019-08-09 14:54:29
2019-08-09 14:54:29

Would love to get an answer to my questions which I posted 4 days ago. Please post a screenshot of the Timeline which could show what type of ‘background image’ you are talking about. One of the options for each slide is the use of a custom background instead of the master slide background, or the project background. In that case the screenshot you showed in the question could be valid. If it is a background generated by a software simulation, the workflow is different as well, because you have to find it in the Library.

2019-08-09 14:02:22
2019-08-09 14:02:22

It’s as if an image is already in place because the only option is to delete the image, however, the filename usually shows in the greyed-out field. You may want to click on the trashcan icon and see if that allows you to select a new image for the background of whatever this is.

2019-08-05 07:34:38
2019-08-05 07:34:38

You are talking about a background image, but you show the Fill for a shape (I suspect). Is the background image in a shape? I doubt it. Is it an image which is visible on the Timeline? Maybe you could post a screenshot of the timeline. It could even be an image which is used as background in the master slide. I could help you but need more information.

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