September 26, 2019
Graded Survey – Setup
September 26, 2019
Graded Survey – Setup
Lieve is a civil engineer (ir) and a professional musician. After years of teaching and research (project management/eLearning/instability) she is now a freelancer specializing in advanced Adobe Captivate as trainer and consultant. Her blog is popular with Captivate users worldwide. As an Adobe Community Expert and Adobe Education Leader, she has presented both online and offline. Since 2015 she is moderator on the Adobe forums and was named as Forum Legend (special category) in the Wall of Fame. In 2017 Adobe Captivate users voted for Lieve as a Top Content Experience Strategist.
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In a previous post I explained the requirements for the graded survey, with a rating scale 0-10 and showed an example project. This post will explain the setup for the survey slides. No problem if you need to have more than 3 question slides, just duplicate a slide and edit the statements. Everything will work fine.

Timeline Survey slide

Have a look at the screenshot of the timeline of the FIRST survey slide:

From bottom to top you see:

  • The two statements, here labeled as SS_XStatement, and SS_YStatement. It would be possible to create a dedicated master slide with two placeholders for these statements. I haven’t done that. For the following survey slides, these statements will have a different name, but they are not used in any action.
  • The two rating scales, which are instances of the RadioButtons Learning Interaction. Be not confused by their green color, because these interactions are not interactive, they are static. The properties of one of those interactions can be seen in this screenshot:

    Important fields are marked in Red or Green. Beware: you have to create the variable, here ‘v_X‘ in the Variables dialog box.
  • Question1: text above the statements with the warning about the sum (could also be a placeholder on the master slide)
  • Submit button: is a shape button, because it has to be timed for the rest of the project.
  • A group Gr_Feedback, including the Accept button, Retry button and the Message which appears when the sum of the rates is not equal to 10.  This group is also timed for the rest of the project, which means that both buttons need to be shape buttons (SVG or bitmap image would have been possible in 11.5 and later as well).


The use variables to be created are:

  • v_null: empty variable is used to clear the associated variables to the learning interactions. More details about its functionality in this blog
  • v_start: will store the first frame of each survey slide. For the Retry action, the micro-navigation solution described in Replay Slide (scenario 2) is used, hence the necessity of the variable which can be empty as default value. This variable is reused on each survey slide.
  • v_X: variable associated with the rating scale (interaction) of the first statement, default can be empty. This variable is reused on each survey slide. Default value can remain empty.
  • v_Y: variable associated with the rating scale (interaction) of the second statement, default can be empty. This variable is reused on each survey slide. Default value can remain empty.
  • v_sum: will be calculated by adding v_Y to v_X. Default can be empty.
  • v_XScore: will be calculated after each survey slide, by adding the value of v_X. Default can be empty.
  • v_YScore: will be calculated after each survey slide, by adding the value of v_Y. Default can be empty.



This action is assigned to the On Enter event of all the Survey slides. It is meant to reset everything as you can read in this screenshot:

The frame number of the first frame is stored in v_start, the variables v_X and v_Y are cleared. The group with the Accept button, Retry button and Feedback message is hidden, and the Submit button is made visible.


This action is triggered by the Success event of the Submit button. Because that shape button is timed for the rest of the project, you need only one instance of this conditional action:

The first decision ‘Always’ is standard, calculates the value of v_sum which is used in the condition of the following decision.

Second decision ‘Checkit’ verifies if the sum of the ratings is equal to 10. If that is the case, the ratings for X and Y score can be added to the totals, and navigation to the Next slide is done. If the sum is different from 10, the group (2 buttons + message) shows up. The value of v_Y is corrected (10 – v_Y) and that will immediately show on the rating scale. The learner can accept this correction or opt to Retry the survey question.


This action is triggered by the Success event of the Accept button. Because that shape button is timed for the rest of the project, you need only one instance of this Standard action:

You see exactly the same commands as for the THEN part of the SubmitAct.


This action is triggered by the Success event of the Retry button. Because that shape button is timed for the rest of the project, you need only one instance of this action:

As described before, I use a Replay action with re-entering the slide to reset the survey slide for a new attempt. Although it is only one command, it is necessary to create an advanced (or shared action) because the command ‘Expression’ which is used here is not available as simple action.


This action is assigned to the On Enter event of the Results slide. It is necessary to get rid of the objects displayed for the rest of the project:


Hope you liked this solution? For a responsive project with fluid boxes, the workflow will be more cumbersome, not only because of the Flluid Boxes setup but also because:

  • You cannot use Groups
  • The possibility to have objects timed for the rest of the project is limited. It is possible if the slides are based on the same master slide in most cases. That can be the case here for the survey slides.

Could I have used Shared actions? Of course,  I dragged the Replay action from my external library with Shared actions. The other actions can be converted to shared actions as well. However within this type of project the advanced actions are used only once. If you have issues with the timing for the rest of the project in a Fluid Boxes project, I would certainly recommend to use shared actions because you’ll need an instance on each survey slide.

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