Moving away from Flash.
I am so confused, and haven’t been able to find any information that answers my question. With browsers dropping support for Flash end of 2020, and more and more restrictions being put on Flash, what to do to ensure compatibility, or to ensure the project/course keeps running.
I inherited the project, and have built other projects based on it. Basically same content, changed to different areas of use.
Project is published in SWF to website works fine, after browser requests to run Flash.
When published in HTML5, I get a 404 error, and file not found, although I got an upload successful message. I don’t think this is related to being published in HTML5, but I don’t know.
How do I know if there is flash content in the project? There are animations (GIF).
How do I get the GIF animations to run when published in HTML5. Or maybe the answer is to not use GIF files?
The website the projects/course is uploaded to, is not an LMS (course is not scored), nor does the site support video files (I am hoping to get that changed).
This is what we have posted most recently for 10.5; there will be updates to this after we test more with the 10.6 ACTS update. I will try to carve out some time to test on the beta cluster this week if possible:
Captivate Content:-
Captivate swf content is not supported in Adobe Connect HTML Client.
Captivate version above or equal to 9 is supported. (More details in the process of being added soon)
Presenter Content:-
Presenter swf content is not supported in HTML Client.
Only Presenter 11 or higher version is supported. (More details in the process of being added soon)
It may be an interesting quick experiment to see if the Adobe Connect Transmuxing Server (ACTS) can convert the project to HTML5. All that is required is to publish it to Adobe Connect and then invoke it in a Meeting with HTML5. The ACTS server should do the rest. See this article for some details:
With reference to Flash on websites in general, every browser update lately seems to offer a new restriction or hurdle for us. We have a plethora of Adobe Connect technotes on mitigating the effects of the various browser updaters. The Adobe Connect HTML5 client and the Adobe Connect Meeting Application address these problems well for Connect users. The Connect HTML5 client uses no Flash for participants in Meetings and the Meeting App puts Flash in a sandbox that is unaffected by anything in the browser.
Note: There is an ACTS update pending in Connect 10.6 as well.
It is the Flash player which will disappear, and probably much sooner than you want. Already it never has been added to Edge, and is not installed by default in Chrome. The Flash application is still very much alive, mostly used for game development, but has been renamed to Animate.
Output for HTML5 has been the focus of the Adobe engineers, and it may be different from SWF output. First tool to help detect problems is the HTML tracker, which you find under the Project menu.
Animated GIFs are supported for HTML output, have nothing to do with SWF animations. I do use them and have published only to HTML since years. SWF animations cannot be supported of course.
Animated GIFs are supported for HTML5 output
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