Hello Community.
Im actually facing a problem with Hyperlinks.
I have to convert PowerPoint files in captivate files. The main problem is that once the PP files are covertet all the hyperlinks are not working anymore. I know that captivate converts the PP is in pictures ( or something like that ) but is there any option or special setting that i can do to get all the PP hyperlinks working once covertet?
Not sure if Hyperlinks are supposed to be carried over on importing PPT slides or not. I seem to remember that they did when I used that feature in earlier versions, but I might be wrong here. Anyway, it’s quite easy to mimic their function in Captivate after you imported the presentation. Just put a Click Box over the string of text that should hold the hyperlink, uncheck ‘Success’, ‘Failure’ and ‘Hint’ on it’s Properties tab to hide the feedback captions, set it’s action to ‘Open URL or File’ and provide the hyperlink’s URL in the ‘URL’ field. Select ‘New Window’ from the drop down next to it and make sure ‘Continue Playing the Project’ is ticked.
Maybe you missed my answer. I am not sure your suggestion will work perfectly, depends on the length of the imported slides. Anyway Click boxes are only allowed in non-responsive projects.
BTW Hyperlinks are lot more powerful in Captivate than in PPT. Here is only one example:
Yes, seems we wrote our comments in parallel.
“Click boxes are only allowed in non-responsive projects.”
An invisible button or SmartShape used as button then.
“…depends on the length of the imported slides”
I don’t see why, as long as the Click box/ Button/ SmartShape is timed to show until the end of the slide.
Same problem because stacking is NOT allowed in a normal Fluid Box. That is the reason why the Click box is automatically excluded because it is normally used stacked over something.
I talked about the length of the slide, because the animations in PPT are imported and if that leads to long slides with staggered objects synchronisation can become a problem. You will not add the ‘click box’ before the text appears, correct?
I admit I never used the ‘Responsive Project from MS PowerPoint’ Project type, but wouldn’t the imported PowerPoint slides materialize in Captivate as slide background then, like in non-responsive projects? Sure it must be possible to put something on top of that background?
That being said, I don’t see much point in producing a responsive course from PowerPoint slides in the first place.
That has always been the case. You need to recreate the hyperlinks in Captivate. PPT import is not one of the best CP features. Each ppt-slide is converted into a movie slide, hence the loss of hyperlinks and other features. From my long experience with Captivate I always recommend to avoid PPT import. A PPT file is a zipped folder, change its extension to zip, unzip the folder and extract assets to import into a Captivate Project Library. Recreate the slides based on the PPT example and you’ll have a real eLearning project with a lot more control.
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