This is a free table, listing up names of all the master slides in the responsive Quick Start Projects in Captivate 11.5. The Branching (Aspire) project is not included, because it uses the same theme as the Aspire project.
How can you use this table?
Situation 1: slide insertion in custom project
You have inserted one or more slides of QSP projects in your project but need to edit them so that they will use the (custom) Project theme. You have the possibility to use ‘Destination Theme’ instead of the default ‘Source Theme’ after insertion of a QSP, ready-to-go slide. However, as explained in this blog, be very careful! First use the table to look up the master slide used for the inserted slide. Compare its name with the names you have in the (custom) project theme:
- If you do NOT have an existing master slide with the same name, you can make the switch to the Destination theme. The master slide of the ready-to-go slide will be added to your custom theme with its layout and Fluid Boxes setup. It will keep its original name. Object styles may have been replaced if they had same name. What will have been replaced are the Fonts and the Colors, which will now be those associated with your custom project theme. More information in the same blog posts mentioned above.
- If you have an existing master slide with the same name, NEVER use the switch to the Destination theme, because that will screw up the layout of the slide, since the master slide setup of your theme will replace the original setup. In that case use the safe workaround which I described in two posts:
Situation 2: combining slides from several QSPs
In that case you can use the table to check if the same master slide name exists in the QSP projects. I have highlighted identical names by displaying them in red. Some projects have even multiple master slides with the same name (which is a real bug, should never be the case). I have tried to put slides with similar purpose on one line.
Be even more careful in this particular situation. I would recommend to never use the Destination/Source theme switch, but prefer the save workaround described above.
Non-responsive projects
Table is for the responsive project versions of the QSPs. The non-responsive projects are derived from the responsive projects (very clear). However, the Wired project has no master slides at all (not a good practice). For the other projects you can refer to the same table, not many differences.

Thanks for posting this !
You’re welcome!
Super helpful post – thank you!
You’re welcome and you reminded me that I didn’t update the table yet for the most recent added QSPs. There are some new types of slides. Too bad, often the master slides are not used at all, which is a pity. That happens mostly for non-responsive versions.
You’re welcome! It is so sad that no documentation is provided for using those projects.
Thank you for the post.