October 1, 2019
Object on a left-right motion path flash briefly in their end position as animation starts
October 1, 2019
Object on a left-right motion path flash briefly in their end position as animation starts
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

Does anyone know why this is happening? It looks really sloppy but I see nothing strange about how the effect is set up. It’s happening consistently and in different browsers.

1 Comment
2019-10-20 16:05:39
2019-10-20 16:05:39

Which version do you use please? Try to capture the full version number (Help, About Captivate).

There are a couple of workarounds which I use:

  1. Add a Fade in transition to the object.
  2. Instead of a simple command to apply the effect, use an advanced action. Hide the object to start with, the action will look like this:
    1. Apply Effect to object
    2. Delay Next actions by …. secs              here you’ll have to try how long you need to avoid the flickering
    3. Show object
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