October 18, 2019
Updated scorm won’t play in moodle
October 18, 2019
Updated scorm won’t play in moodle
I am a Learning Technologist for a medical training charity.  Training is my passion I love to develop e-learning 
Newbie 27 posts
Followers: 28 people

Hi all, this maybe a more moodle type problem.

1. I update the Cp file and republish

2. Replace the old published output with new on server via FTP

3. On opening it goes as far as opening the screen but no content (i.e, it doesn’t play)

Any ideas? I’m thinking theres something in the scorm file that’s conflicting with moodle

2019-10-21 09:35:37
2019-10-21 09:35:37

Lieve, yes for moodle scorm 1.2. Thanks for taking time to reply.


Christian Lee
's comment
2019-10-21 09:36:38
2019-10-21 09:36:38
Christian Lee
's comment

In that case try to upload to SCORM Cloud, to check if the problem is due to Captivate setup or to Moodle?

2019-10-21 08:42:17
2019-10-21 08:42:17

Did you publish in Captivate for Moodle? Cp has a special setting for it.

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