November 6, 2019
Adobe Captivate 2019 Tutorial Video – 360⁰ Learning Experiences
November 6, 2019
Adobe Captivate 2019 Tutorial Video – 360⁰ Learning Experiences
Swift is an innovative e-learning services company that provides end-to-end eLearning Solutions to corporates, academia and training providers in india and throughout the world. As eLearning companies, we design learning solutions, custom elearning development that are tailored to meet your unique business needs that results in change behaviors or improved job performance. We believe in learner-centric approach and immersive learning experiences with custom elearning courses relevant scenarios, gamification and other instructional strategies.
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To begin with, click on Slide and choose 360 slide from the drop-down menu. Then, click on the plus icon in the editing stage. Click on the import button and select the 360 image from the local computer.

You can drag the image with the mouse to view it in 360 mode. Then, click on Hotspot button and select anyone from the drop-down menu. Now assign an action to the hotspot from the On Click drop-down list in the properties inspector. Then move the image and add a hotspot and assign another action same as the previous one.

You can guide the learner in the project, so that the user can view the hotspots in sequential order as you place them in the editing stage.

You can also add text labels directly on the screen. You can custom the label with different colors and highlights from the properties inspector.

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