What is adult learning and why it matters in corporate training?
Will adults learn in the same way as the children learn?
Where can we apply the adult learning theory?
What is bloom’s taxonomy and why it came into existence in adult learning?
Having all those questions in mind, let’s have a look into this blog.
There is a myth that adults learn in the same way as children learn. Learning principles are completely diversified for children and adults. We often remember that child learning is like the same age people dragged into a classroom and to learn by imposing heavy work on their shoulders making them externally motivated to learn all the time. The same training won’t be applicable when it comes to adult learning. Adults learn with a sense of knowing the value and why they are learning and what they can achieve when they learn something that is helpful to their career.
In order to promote higher forms of thinking of adults in corporate training, the psychologist, Dr. Benjamin Bloom, and its committee proposed some adult learning theories under Bloom’s Taxonomy which is the basis for designing educational training and learning processes. Bloom’s Taxonomy identifies three domains of learning for adults namely:
- Cognitive: Mental skills (knowledge)
- Affective: Growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude or self)
- Psychomotor: Manual or physical skills (skills)
A custom eLearning course designed for a certain target group of the audience will differ with the other group of audience in another field.
For instance, the adult learning theory that is applied for training the sales team will differ with the strategy applied for nursing or HR staff. The sales audience will expect the on-the-go, microlearning strategy whereas HR staff may require ERP simulations for real-time experiences.
Presenting “Adult Learner: Bloom’s Taxonomy – focusing Cognitive Domain” online course wherein the participants will discover the specifics of how the cognitive learning theory for adults increases intellectual capability.