Hello everyone,
I will like to know if adobe captivate can handle quiz project where three or more subject will be tested and result
given for each with total for all the subjects.
I will also like to know how username and password can be used on a quiz project such that only users with the correct username and password can have access to the quiz.
Thanks in anticipation for an urgent response.
Here is the promised link:
Some essential information is lacking to offer you correct answers. Will you use a Learning Management System? eLearning courses are normally meant to be used in collaboration with such a LMS (some like Moodle are free). It will handle the user management (which answers your second question): only user accounts added by the LMS manager will have access. Alternative is a lot of programming on server-side.
As for the Quiz: it is a SCORM requirement (protocol used between course and LMS) that only one quiz result/course can be transferred. You can show intermediate results in the course (will post a link to a blog about that), but finally only one global result will be transmitted. For each quiz result to be stored in the LMS’s gradebook you’ll need a separate course.