November 27, 2019
SCORM vs Tin-Can vs AICC
November 27, 2019
SCORM vs Tin-Can vs AICC
Swift is an innovative e-learning services company that provides end-to-end eLearning Solutions to corporates, academia and training providers in india and throughout the world. As eLearning companies, we design learning solutions, custom elearning development that are tailored to meet your unique business needs that results in change behaviors or improved job performance. We believe in learner-centric approach and immersive learning experiences with custom elearning courses relevant scenarios, gamification and other instructional strategies.
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SCORM vs Tin-Can vs AICC


SCORM stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model which is actually a technical standard for writing e-learning content. It is highly popular and is an industry-standard that allows organizations to use e-learning as a training method. Basically, SCORM will decide how online content and the Learning Management System (LMS) will talk to each other. SCORM uses a JavaScript API (Application Programming Interface) to communicate information between the course content and the LMS.

What can you achieve by using SCORM?

Durability: Content developed using SCORM will survive technological changes without expensive re-coding or re-design.
Accessibility: SCORM courses are portable and run on any standard SCORM compatible LMS.

What could be the advantage of using SCORM?

We have a plethora of advantages when it comes to SCORM. Let us highlight a few here:

  • Easy integration and sharing across platforms that protect investments and significantly lowering the cost of content ownership.
  • “Sequencing” is an added feature introduced in SCORM 2004, which can actually assign a sequence to a learning object which would permit learners to bookmark their progress.
  • Detailed tracking of reports on a learning object is possible.

Any disadvantages with SCORM?

There is a very wrong side to the bright side of SCORM. Let us list down some disadvantages too:

  • There are issues that exist with scripting across browsers
  • Content and LMS must reside on the same server
  • SCORM content uses JavaScript which is not very secure.


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