November 6, 2019
Video navigation with progress bar
November 6, 2019
Video navigation with progress bar
Newbie 4 posts
Followers: 0 people

I am working on a project that includes lengthy video segments.  I would like the learner to be able to back up if they want to view a portion again, but not be able to skip forward.  I have seen tutorials that only allow you to click or drag the progress bar to the left, but I don’t know how they accomplished this.  Any help would be appreciated.

2019-11-07 08:46:48
2019-11-07 08:46:48

Have a look at:

Custom Play/pause button

2019-11-07 08:46:11
2019-11-07 08:46:11

You posted already that question. Understand that you are impatient because moderation can take ‘too’ long but that is only my personal opinion. In the normal Adobe forums, moderation is 24/7, maybe you could give that a try.

BTW have answered in the other thread. You should consider creating an interactive video? I will post a link to one of my interactive videos, where I have a menu which allows to go immediately to bookmarks in the video.

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