November 27, 2019
Visited State Buttons and Jumping to another Slide
November 27, 2019
Visited State Buttons and Jumping to another Slide
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 1 people

I have a Captivate 2019 project where I have created buttons around menu options and the buttons display a different color once clicked (i.e., a visited state). The user is allowed to select in any order these various menu buttons. Once the user has selected all buttons (i.e., all buttons display a visited state) I want the project to jump to another slide in the project. Will I need to create an advanced action for this? Any suggestions are welcome.

2019-11-28 08:20:01
2019-11-28 08:20:01

DO not forget to check the option ‘Retain State on revisiting slide’ on the slide with the buttons.

Since you are jumping to another slide there is another possible workflow, where you split up the action on the buttons in two actions:

For the buttons:

Assign varx with 1
Jump to slide

This one could be a shared action, with slide number and var name as parameters, or you can use duplicate actions of course.

For the On Enter event of the slide with the buttons, you create the Conditional action I described in my previous answer, where you check all the variables and conditionally shows the Next button. I would use Continue as ELSE action, and add it also to the THEN part.


2019-11-28 08:16:42
2019-11-28 08:16:42

Maybe this detailed description of the Advanced Actions dialog box can help:


2019-11-28 08:13:55
2019-11-28 08:13:55

Yes, there are no system variables associated with states (one of my feature requests).

You need to have two decisions for each of the buttons (had a detailed blog  in this community, but impossible to find it, even in my profile). Seems to have disappeared like several other blogs.

Start by creating as many Boolean user variables as you have buttons. Default value = 0. For each of the buttons create an advanced action:

First decision ‘Always’ is not conditional

Assign variable with 1
Other commands you want to do with that button like showing…

Second decision ‘CheckIt’  is conditional

IF var1 is equal to 1  AND
var2 is equal to A  AND…..             check all the variables

Show Bt_Next

Duplicate that action for each button, the only parameter to edit is the variable name.


2019-11-28 08:01:08
2019-11-28 08:01:08
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