Hi All,
I run a video production company and am evaluating Captivate as a way to enable us to create content based around interactive videos. Therefore I am very new to it’s functionality but am very adept with the adobe creative suite and timelines etc.
I get the linking to and from other content and know how to jump to markers in videos.
My question is whether it’s possible to have a link overlay on a video which, when clicked, pauses the video, links to a new piece of content (whatever that may be – video, text etc) then returns to play the original video from the point at which it was paused? I think we could do it by adding bookmarks alongside the links and jumping back to the appropriate bookmark, but that sounds inaccurate, labour intensive and not very sophisticated.
Also, is it possible to house an external website (for example) in a slide so that you can link to external content then jump back to the point from which you linked?
I hope those questions make sense?
I’ve just watched the tutorial on your blog about custom play/pause, which I found very useful. However, I still can’t work out how to create a button so that the learner can pause the interactive video. I’m using CP on Windows 10.
Thank you.
Interactive video is slide video, which means it is synchronized with Captivate’s timeline and can be controlled by Captivate. Did you try the Pause button?
I’ve just found the pause button in Advanced Actions.
Thank you.
You’re welcome (nice new avatar).
To answer your question about housing an external website, you can place a web object (from the Objects icon on the Captivate toolbar) to reside within a frame on your slide. This is best because linking and therefore navigating away from eLearning often disconnects learners from their LMS.
The Overlay slides in an interactive video have all functionalities of normal slides, including advanced/shared actions. Try to use those within the interactive video itself instead of going to another normal slide. Are you on 11.5? In that case you can even have a sequence of overlay slides from one ‘interactive’ point…. I should upgrade my blogs about interactive video. This one is already bit older, but shows how I always include a bookmark menu which is not available out of the box: