I’m trying to create a 4th state for a Smart Object used as a button in Master View. Since State View is not available within Master View (at least I can’t find it), is there another way to add the 4th state?
It would be very useful to be able to do this when creating a custom playbar for which you need to toggle an image e.g. play/pause. At the moment you need to place this on the slide, which is a nuisance if you want to ensure the custom controls are in the same place or want to change an image used. You would have to change it on every slide.
Not really. Alternative for having a button on the master slide is to put it on the first slide where necessary and time it for the rest of the project. Beware: if you change it to a custom state which will replace the Normal state, it will remain in that state when moving to the next slide. Whenever you want it to be switched back to the Normal state you’ll have to do that manually. Not that difficult since the button will have the same ID all the time, one action will be sufficient, can be applied in one workflow to all On Enter events of slides.
It is simply IMPOSSIBLE to create states when you are in Master slide panel view. You need to create states on a normal slide, or in the Object Style manager (only for InBuilt states). The OSM never supports custom states, and will not include the Visited state at all.
If you mean the Visited states, which is also an InBuilt state, you can create it on a normal slide and Cut/Paste the interactive object to the master slide.
It has no sense to use a custom state for objects on the master slides, since those states are controlled by the developer, which means that you need an ID for the object which lacks for master slide objects.
Will post a link to a state commands article, where I also explain differences between InBuilt and Custom states.
Here is the post:
You can have rollover and down states for smart shapes used as buttons but custom or visited states for smart shapes aren’t available on master slides. I suspect because smart shapes on master slides do not have unique names and cannot be referenced by actions, advanced actions, or shared actions.