Hello Captivate Community – I assume there are a lot of freelancers out there, so I have a question for you. What are the best strategies for growing your business and generating work in the field of e-learning development? What worked best for you – subcontracting, direct marketing, word-of-mouth, platforms like Upwork, etc. Just looking for ideas. Thanks, Agnes
Hi Agnes,
I know most of my work has come from connections I’ve made in various communities like the Association for Talent and Development, LinkedIn, and Twitter. To grow your business I think if you position yourself as someone who has expertise in the field then you probably don’t have to bid on Upwork contracts and such.
I would advise you to just create apps. Different apps present different difficulties. Start small and work your way up (you could follow a tutorial for a calculator or something similar; they’re fairly simple and will help you understand the fundamentals). The apps only need to be useful; they don’t need to be particularly original. If you run into trouble, just copy them exactly as written and turn to Google or YouTube for help. If you do not receive a definitive response on either, StckOverflow your problem. However, I mostly just make apps now that I’ve realised how quickly I lose interest in classes. My understanding of a problem grows as I wrestle with it more and more. And if you’re interested in freelancing, I advise you to create useful apps with a nice user interface.
No one seems to add a comment, proves again that this community has a long way to go.
It is also a very broad question, and largely depends on your country and marketing skills. I am very bad at marketing and the mentality in Belgium is that not very good towards experts, especially female experts which are not between 30 and 40.
When I get a rare job, it is certainly not due to my presence in forums, social media etc… Mostly LinkedIn is a positive channel and mouth-to-mouth. When I have a job here in my country it is always because I have been recommended by someone from the USA, Canada, or the Netherlands.
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