Has anyone seen this and figured it out? A .cptx file created in Adobe Captivate 2019 Version cannot be opened in Version I get the attached error:
I have tested that all the error conditions are not true, but can not get the file to open.
Forgot to tell that minor versions are mutually compatible. CP2019 is a major version, but the difference between 11.0 and 11.5 are very big, like major versions. AFAIK that only happened once in the past: versions 5 and 5.5 were not compatible neither.
I have answered your question already in the Adobe forums but will repeat. This has always been the case, since newer versions add often a lot of new features, you cannot open a project created in a newer version with an older version. Although both 11.0 and 11.5 are labeled as ‘CP2019’ they are very different, even more than between two full releases. I have never published so many blogs about a version’s new feature as I have done for this upgrade from 11.0 to 11.5.
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