January 17, 2020
Drag and Drop Multiple Attempts Submit reappears
January 17, 2020
Drag and Drop Multiple Attempts Submit reappears
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello everyone,

I have an issue with Drag and Drop interactions. When answering a DnD with multiple attempts correctly, the submit button disappears when submiting but reapears after less than a second. This only happens if the DnD has more than 1 attempt and only if it’s answered correctly. If a DnD has only 1 attempt or the answer is incorrect the submit button disappears as it should. When previewing the course the bug is not visible, it only appears when published or previewed HTML5 in Browser (and no, publishing with Flash in 2020 is not an acceptable option…).

Has anyone ever experienced something familiar and has any suggestion how to fix it?

I attached a sample file, where the error also occurs.


1 Comment
2020-10-13 17:12:44
2020-10-13 17:12:44

I tried the sample, but the submit button didn’t reappear – i mean, it stayed for all three attempts and then i got a feedback – can you elaborate?

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