January 14, 2020
Formatting a Master Slide for ID Input in Themed Slides
January 14, 2020
Formatting a Master Slide for ID Input in Themed Slides
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have created a specific theme that our other instructional designers will be using.  The includes blue bars at the top that have a heading with Calibri font in white.  Is there a way to set up a master slide so that in the themed slide, the first text input area is already set up in the blue bar I have at the top?  I’d like to try to make this process as easy as possible for the other IDs.  We have a specific way our lessons are supposed to look.

1 Comment
2020-01-16 09:10:57
2020-01-16 09:10:57

Do you realize that Calibrr is NOT a websafe font?

Have a look at:


As for your question, which I am not sure to understand really, you can have a text container including text on a master slide instead of a placeholder.

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