Hello Captivaters !…
First of all, I wish a happy new year for all the community’s members !…
My aim today is to replace my “old” small menu (which is Flash based) with a new one built with Captivate.
(Flash Menu)
(Captivate Menu)
You can see them in action :
http://soutien67.free.fr/sommaire.htm (Flash based)
http://soutien67.fr/sommaire.htm (Captivate based)
And here is the Captivate menu :

(Of course I deleted all the links in this version !… There are still many roll-over effects, but as the majority of the visitors use a mouse-computer, it’s not a serious problem…)
And as I discovered recently that we could attached directly Captivate projects inside html pages, using iframe, I put it in my page using this line of code :
<p align=”center”><iframe src=”Sommaire_A/index.html” frameborder=”0″ width=”988″ height=”262″></iframe></p>
So I’m very pleased to have been able to realize this !…
What do you think of it ?…
Happy Captivating !…