February 25, 2020
7 E-Learning Technologies Which Are Ruling in 2020
February 25, 2020
7 E-Learning Technologies Which Are Ruling in 2020
Ankit is a Project/Marketing Analyst at XongoLab Technologies LLP, A mobile app development company with 9+ years of experience on the market and having 500+ happy customers worldwide. 
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E-learning is all about learning on the web, that is, at the convenience of the learner, sitting at home and accessing to the virtual classroom through the Internet.

With easy access to the Internet, it has become very simple for most of us to learn things that we didn’t know earlier. It might be a small thing like a new term not found in the dictionary or it can be a particular subject you are interested in. With the concept of e-learning becoming well known, the boundaries of knowledge transfer have increased manifolds.

E-learning highlights the advantage of computer and technology in promoting efficient delivery of education to the learners in every possible way. It allows learners to be able to go to attend classes no matter where they may be all over the world and be able to complete their education if they need to compromise with their time and activities such as having the need to work. In order to make this method of education possible, there are a lot of tools and emerging technologies utilized in order to promote successful learning.

Let’s have a look at it.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence

AI is one of the most discussed topics in the educational industry. In education, Artificial Intelligence is a vital technology which helps education in many ways.

Personalized learning is one of the most significant areas of education that has utilized AI. In personalized learning, AI assists you to locate the best course material for you based on your identity, interests & your way for learning. Artificial intelligence replaced the old-fashioned classroom study with a more customized and student-centred approach. AI is very important in order to keep track, report and monitor the performance of the learners.

2. Augmented Reality (AR)

According to Wikipedia, Augmented Reality (AR) defined as “an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities”.

The use of AR visual content is able to catch the student’s attention. It guarantees the interaction of the learners in lessons, as they are seeing and experiencing what they are learning. The use AR to learn dynamic and complex concepts because it helps learners to visually observe complex 3D models instead of imagining it in mind.

Anatomy 4D, AugThat, Arloon Plants are some of the most well-known and useful AR applications that students and teachers can utilize for effective learning. Capabilities of AR technology may make classes more engaging and information more apprehendable.

3. Machine Learning

The eLearning industry is getting more powerful with the assistance of technologies like MI (Machine Learning). ML is a sub-division of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

If we talk about Machine Learning, it is the domain of AI that offers systems with the capability to master automatically to improve their efficiency without being programmed. The prime objective is to allow the machine systems to learn on their own, without any kind of human intervention. ML is the future of eLearning as it can provide online learners with an assortment of benefits.

Let’s have look at the benefits of MI in the future of eLearning:
• It is job-centric
• Highly flexible
• Cost-effective
• Saves time

MI is going to create a positive influence on the future of eLearning. These benefits show that eLearning certainly has the potential to transform the education sector and can make learning more efficient, engaging and student friendly.

4. Virtual Reality

virtual reality

Virtual Reality (VR) refers to a 3-D, computerized environment which an individual can interface with. The user feels as though he/she is a part of a 3D world.

Virtual Reality (VR), a computer technology that utilizes software-generated realistic images, sounds and other sensations to imitate a real situation, is another such technology, which has contributed to a major change in the education system.

Here are some of the benefits of learning with VR include:

• Faster Learning: Repetitive learning can be drastically enhanced by performing the learning material.

• Imparts a safe learning environment: At the point when learners make mistakes during the learning journey, the outcomes are minimal as they happen in a safe and controlled virtual world.

• Overcomes any issues between theory & practice: Learners learn theory about a specific subject, which they would then be able to experience in an interactive 3D environment, giving learners a much more memorable learning experience.

• Augments Engagement Levels: The virtual world allows learners to work together and learn from each other, augmenting overall engagement.

5. Internet of things (IoT)

A myriad number of individuals are wondering what is the Internet of Things. It is taking all the things in the real world, for instance, a light bulb, a car or any material thing and connecting them to the Internet. Now you might be thinking about how IoT will be useful in e-learning.

IoT assists in making a worldwide network among educators and learners. This helps learners to connect with their tutors around the world.

6. Cloud computing

cloud computing

Cloud computing is simply a group of computing assets situated at different places in the world. The system can be shared and accessed from anyplace on the planet. Cloud computing ensures access to fundamental information to anyone using any gadgets from the workplace.

7. 3-D printing

3-D printing is another useful technology students utilizing nowadays. It assists students print out 3-D models. Students can likewise take 3-D printouts of difficult to visualize structures to help comprehend easily. For example, 3-D structures of particles for chemistry students, 3-D structures of cells, organs for biology students, or population maps for geography students, and so forth.

1 Comment
2020-10-15 18:59:08
2020-10-15 18:59:08

I wish some of these things were more accessible in public education!

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