February 19, 2020
Can’t publish Adobe Captivate project
February 19, 2020
Can’t publish Adobe Captivate project
Newbie 9 posts
Followers: 1 people

There is no specific error why i can’t publish my project.

Is there anyone encounter this error?

2020-02-28 08:18:27
2020-02-28 08:18:27

You didn’t answer my questions. Were you able to solve the problem?

2020-02-20 09:04:21
2020-02-20 09:04:21

Which exact version of CP2017 are you using? Check under Help, About Captivate.

Are you on Windows or Mac? If you are on Windows, do you run Captivate with ‘Run as Administrator’ option? Are the folder where you publish and store the Cp-files situated on your system. Some users even have issues when the folder is synchronized with OneDrive (works fine for me).

Did you try to clear the case and clean the Preferences?

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