February 19, 2020
Course restarts if learner re-launches an in-progress course but immediately exits
February 19, 2020
Course restarts if learner re-launches an in-progress course but immediately exits
Newbie 2 posts
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This is a first time post, so I apologize in advance if I’ve left any relevant information out.

Can anyone verify if Scenario 2 below is normal/expected behavior with content published with Captivate?

I’m using Captivate 2019 Release

I have a very simple 5-slide course published with HTML5 using SCORM 2004 4th edition. I’ve tested this in the SCORM cloud with multiple browsers.

Scenario 1 (this seems correct to me):

  1. Initial Launch – learner launches course and clicks the “play” button.
    • At slide 3 the learner exits the course.
  2. Launch 2 – learner launches the course and clicks the “play” button. Course resumes at slide 3.

Scenario 2 (is this expected behavior?):

  1. Initial Launch – learner launches course and clicks the “play” button.
    • At slide 3 the learner exits the course.
  2. Launch 2 – learner launches the course but does NOT click the “play” button and immediately exits the course. Maybe learner was going to resume the course, but got a phone call and decided to wait until later.
  3. Launch 3 – learner launches the course and clicks the “play” button expecting to be at slide 3, however the course restarts at slide 1.

This doesn’t seem like a huge issue with only a 5-slide course, but if you scale this to 50 slides it becomes a really big issue.

Also, if this is the default behavior, has anyone figured out a way to prevent the course from restarting upon relaunch if the course is immediately exited when relaunched?

I attempted to attach both the .cptx and .zip files but received an “Invalid file contents. Upload failed” message.

2020-02-25 16:59:49
2020-02-25 16:59:49

I called Adobe Captivate Support regarding the behavior I report above and apparently this is not the expected behavior.

I also dug up a .zip package that I created with a trial version of Captivate in 2018 and the content returned to the last-viewed slide even when I opened it and immediately closed the content window without any interaction.

The two content packages I’ve been testing with are not exactly apples to apples, but it appears that maybe the “play” button may be interfering with the learner returning to the last-viewed slide if the button is not clicked and the content window is closed.

Does anyone else have any experience with this?

Thanks very much!



's comment
2020-02-25 17:02:35
2020-02-25 17:02:35
's comment

Thanks for reporting this. Did you talk about the AutoPlay being disabled (since quite a while) being a possible cause?

2020-02-20 09:07:11
2020-02-20 09:07:11

Suspect that the ‘memory’ (Resume data) are reset in the second scenario. Since the learner did leave even before the first slide started, that is the new location where the course was left. Resuming it will be from the first slide. It looks logical to me, but I have never used 2004.4.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-02-20 13:32:12
2020-02-20 13:32:12
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you Lieve,

I just finished testing publishing it to SCORM 1.2 and the content behaves the same way. Progress is lost if you relaunch and immediately close without clicking play.

I’m really hoping someone has a solution to prevent this default behavior.

Thanks again!

's comment
2020-02-20 13:34:52
2020-02-20 13:34:52
's comment

Crossing my fingers, but not really sure that the logical behavior can be changed. Maybe with LMS functionality, you should explain which LMS you are using?

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-02-20 18:26:31
2020-02-20 18:26:31
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you Lieve,

I suppose my previous experience with another authoring tool is skewing my expectations. By default, content I’ve published using Storyline asks the learner upon re-launch if they want to resume or restart. The only way the learner will lose their previous progress is if they click “restart.”

I’ve been testing in the SCORM cloud using the Rustici SCORM engine. Our LMS mimics the same behavior as in the SCORM cloud.

Thanks again!


's comment
2020-02-20 18:38:50
2020-02-20 18:38:50
's comment

Captivate uses SCORM templates created by Rustici, which are considered to be the standard. I don’t know what SL is using. Just another idea, not sure at all if it will help. The default template used is sending (resumed) data after each slide. Apparently to your experience already when starting the project. Maybe switch to the template which send everything at the end? Although… it seems very strange that this could change something. Progress tracking is not lost, it will be in the LMS, it is the bookmarking here which has worked in a logical way. Do not confuse both.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-03-09 18:40:34
2020-03-09 18:40:34
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Just in case anyone finds this thread in the future, Adobe has determined the reported behavior is a bug. The bug number is: CAP-4205262.



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