Spot the differences with Captivate
Hello Captivaters !…
I hope you don’t miss the awesome project from our great Guru and friend Lilybiri to spot the differences between 2 images…
If not, here are the links to her project :
And to her explanations to realize this :
And so, I thought it was exactly what I need to do my own projects !…
But I made it more simple… No svgs (I don’t like them !…) , no sounds (I like to listen to my own music when I’m on my computer ) and no effects…
So I did this :

I just used smartshapes, used as buttons… The normal shape is made transparent and the “spotted” shape is just a red circle.
And one variable to follow the numbers of right answers…
There are many other examples on this page :
Once again… A big THANK YOU to Lieve !…
Happy Captivating !…
Of course I have been teaching Photoshop, InDesign, Audition in the past, and have the CC available.
It is frustrating, stopped complaining but if you have a look: at this moment one of the people on the home page has never contributed anything to the community, just got score by ‘liking’ and maybe a comment. This is killing the community. I spent literally days on the most recent blog about using cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice, I answer all questions (now called discussions, which is cynical) but that is not leading to any ‘score’. Never did see a system any where in social media where this happens at all. Only my love for Captivate and for helping users trying to start with Captivate keeps me posting here. I have my personal blog, where at least I can use analysis tools to detect whether a topic is interesting or not. Here I suspect some of my blogs are never read at all and there is no way to confirm that suspicion.
Thanks for your kind comments, Ludovic. It would be great if more sharing of resources happened in this ‘community’. I still continue to love SVGs, because of their low file size and the way they resize better than bitmap images without becoming blurry.
Unfortunatly Captivate is the only one Adobe software I have… And my budget is not enough consequent to buy more… I tryed to use SVGs sometimes (using Inkscape) but never with the results I would have expected (we have already discussed about this…).
Concerning the ‘community’… I also feel a little frustrated… And I’m still wondering where are the “specialists” ???… Is there a secret place where they exchange their habilities ???… …
Hope you the best !…
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