February 3, 2020
Help! Video fades after a few seconds
February 3, 2020
Help! Video fades after a few seconds

I have captivate 2019. I don’t understand why the video starts playing just fine, but then it fades after a few seconds. It continues to play, but the screen is obviously faded. The slide length itself is 3 seconds, is that why? How do I fix this?

2020-02-04 16:53:08
2020-02-04 16:53:08

I was able to solve this! In short, I clicked on the video element in the timeline, and saw that the transition was set to fade out. I removed all transitions and now it is fine! WHEW! Thank you for your help tho!

Victoria Teunissen
's comment
2020-02-04 17:04:42
2020-02-04 17:04:42
Victoria Teunissen
's comment

That was what I suspected…

2020-02-04 09:00:55
2020-02-04 09:00:55

Can you check the exact version number, please? You find it under Help, About Captivate. There are multiple versions of CP2019. Are you on Windows or Mac?

You probably inserted the video as Event video, which plays independently of Captivate, has its own control panel. That is the reason why the slide is only 3 secs. Not the reason of the fading, can you post a screenshot of the Timeline? Do you have a slide transition (which is not compatible with HTML5 output)?

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