Recently I presented a webinar about Interactivity in Captivate. As usual I don’t present with a PPT, but with a Captivate presentation. That makes it possible to publish later as an interactive tutorial. It needed some editing of course, and adding narration.
The goal was to show how different workflows can be used to create interactivity: Branching (menu), Forced viewing, Progress bars, Click&Reveal, Drag&Drop, Knowledge Check slides, Games. The presentation was followed by demonstrating some used workflows in simple situations.
If you are interested, have a look. Many slides have a Back to Menu button, where you may see a tooltip which was added in the Rollover state.
Click to see the presentation:

Would love to hear comments, questions. For narration I used slide audio, object audio and the Play Audio command depending on the situation.

Thank you for sharing this. I was familiar with the drag and drop feature but I’m glad to know about the other features.
Thanks for the comment. There are lot more interactions possible, but these were shown as basic interactions for newbies who don’t really understand what interactivity means.
This looks more like discouragement to blog… replace by simple videos which I will never do. Sorry about that. This presentation doesn’t really ‘train’ a workflow, just show a number of possibilities. Explaining the setup of each of the interactivities would require rather long videos which will never be watched. Only very simple short tricks work in video.
I don’t care about users who do not want to learn a workflow. They will always remain happily in the basic skills for Captivate and if that works for them, fine for me! They are not the audience I want to reach with the blog.
As I expected, I wasn’t clearer enough !… And I don’t want to loose your time anymore…
I read recently that there will be Captivate meetings in Europe… (In London or even in Belgium ?)…
I will be so pleased to meet you at this occasion and discussed my point of view in the “langue de Molière” !… I think it will be more easy for us to understand each other…
Have a nice and Captivating day !… 😉
You tell me something totally new! There wil be an Adobe Max in Lisbon in June, but that is only for the CC applications, not at all for Captivate. We organized two Captivate Users days in the Netherlands, but gave up. No support from Adobe, not even a staff member present. Captivate is not worth a lot to them.
Merci beaucoup, Ludovic.
I will post the same presentation to my blog. As I mentioned to you before, this webinar was done for a limited public, composed of both newbies and experienced users. I found it bit scary but everyone enjoyed it, because I demonstrated several hidden gems (for the experts – mostly unknown to them) along with examples of creating common interactive workflows.
What do you mean ‘presentation for my blogs’? At this moment I have around 100 views a day, total amount of views since start is about 1,500,000. Moreover lot has been ‘loaned’ by other ‘experts’, most often without referring to the original source.(not pointing at you). This means that the real range is much larger.
I try to make my point clearer as you ask me :
Your blogs are, no doubt about that, the best resources I know for Captivate on the net. (And the Adobe Captivate Team should think about exploited them more usefully, as I already told you.)
But in your long detailed blogs, there’s a lot to read, and I think, like me (Oups again !), many of your readers don’t read all, as carefully as we should !… I read the Cpt forum and this site every morning, and everyday I read questions that you have already answered… So maybe a short presentation (made with Captivate of course) as you did for this webinar would encourage your readers to read all !… I know you fullfill your blogs with great examples and explanations… But you know as well as we all know, that today we want to learn quickly and don’t have enough time, or don’t want, to read long blogs… I completly share with you, your opinion about the videos… But we must admit that today, that’s the most common way the learners want to learn… So my point is that, in addition to your blogs you should add such an interactive short presentation ?… Don’t know if I’m really clearer ???!…
I must add to my answer that I’m not a native english speaker !… (So maybe it’s for that, that I’m quiet reluctant to read long technical articles !… So I assume it’s not the point of all your readers !… ) 😉
That’s a nice and clear presentation of all the “basics” of Captivate !… I’m a follower of your blogs so I know where I could find your great ressources when needed. But If I was not ?… Maybe you should have inserted more links to your articles, where the explanations are more detailed, as you did for the timeline ?…
I may even encourage you to do such presentation for your blogs ?… (Oups !… Who am I to dare to suggest you something ??… as your investment for the community is so great !…)
Once again… BIG thank you !… 😉